Over the past few years, I’ve tried to set myself a goal of reading a certain number of books in a calendar year. Usually, that goal is 52 books so I average a book a week. Life hasn’t always let me do so, however. Last year, for example, I was only able to read 19 books. This is by no means a failure on my part, but I do think I need to change my goal focus. Instead of a set number of books in the year, I’d like to build the habit of reading every day, even if it’s just a few pages.
The books I plan to read will come from the following:
- Books from my local library
- E-books, audiobooks, and graphic novels from the Libby and Hoopla apps
- Books I purchase locally, from either Black Cat Books & Oddities (new books) or The Bookshelf (used books)
- Books, e-books, audiobooks, graphic novels, and manga I’ve purchased from various Humble Bundle events
To track my reading progress, I have an account on Bookwyrm, a federated social media service for reading. I’ll also try to write reviews of the books I read, both here and on Bookwyrm. If you’re also tracking your reading, let me know where I can follow you so I can see what you’re reading.